
J!TrackGallery is a Joomla Track Gallery component, which allows to store and display GPS track data and photos.

Our Goal is to provide a non commercial, free, open source, GNU/GPL2 licensed component for Joomla 3.9, 4.x and 5.x. The code is likely to work on older versions of Joomla, but has not been tested thoroughly.

The main features are:

  • Upload and edit GPS tracks (GPX tracks/routes, KML, TCX format) via frontend or backend (administrator view)
  • Support for different maps: Open Street Map + variants (e.g. opencylcemap), Bing maps, and French IGN
  • Basic features (distance altitude, time) for each track are calculated from the GPS track
  • Add a description, category information, tags, difficulty level etc
  • Add photos to each track; geotagged images are shown on the map
  • Frontend provides functionality for rating and commenting
  • Support for SEO/SEF URLs
  • Appearance can be tweaked via css templates (partial support)

Code and downloads

Description of the packages

J!TrackGallery consists of several pieces, a Joomla! component, 2 modules and plugin packages.

The main functionality part or base package is a Joomla! component (com_jtg.zip). This is the base package, which the modules and plugin rely on. The J!TrackGallery component provides the interface to upload GPS files and to store information, add a description, etc and to display them. The J!TrackGallery provides several views which present the tracks in different formats. Most views can also be assigned to menu items in the menu(s) of your pages. The following views are provided:

  • Overview map: this is the main entry point showing an overview of all tracks that are available on your web site
  • Track view: the main view with a map, graph, and details for a specific track - several aspects of this view can be configured to suit your needs. A button to edit the track information appears when authorised users are logged in to the site.
  • Category list: a list of all categories
  • Category overview: a map and/or list of tracks for a specific category
  • Tag overview: a map and/or list of tracks with a given Joomla tag
  • Track list: a (sortable) list of all tracks with basic information about each track
  • User view: a view for users that are logged in, showing a list of tracks owned, and recent comments (if enabled on the site), as well as summary statistics

The plugin (plg_jtrackgallery_maps.zip) provides the possibility to show GPS tracks on a map on other pages, for example in Joomla! articles.

Three modules (mod_jtg_stats.zip, mod_jtg_latest.zip, mod_jtg_closest.zip) provide functionality to show a list of the most popular tracks, the most recent tracks and list of tracks near a given point in a fixed location on each page.